Monday, September 8, 2014

Table cloth to Circle skit

This lovely blue and white table cloth has been waiting for me to come up with a new look for it! The checkered print and weight of the fabric about to be upcycled made me think. The first thought that came to mind was a circle skirt. I currently own (only) one and love it.

I set to work making my pattern. I like to make a pattern incase I want to make a few. It takes time in the beginning, but it's woth not having to figure out measurements again later down the road.

Wish I took a picture for you of the original cloth, but I think the top pic showes you what I started out with. As you can see (but I didn't notice until the skirt was assembled) There is a giant stain in the center of my skirt! After assessing the situation I decided to change the skirt color to disguise and hid the stain on the front.

My handy helper is showing off my new system for coloring fabrics. She even made an ombre tee shirt and my boy ombred his shoe laces.

After the color change and drying was done of course I spy a whole staring me in the eye! Discouragement set in. Until I dug in my threads and discovered I have thread similar in color (hallelujah! ) I was able to sew the whole closed and even rocked it to work already. Now I am looking forward to pairing it with some winter tights.


  1. Thank you. The color is not as dark as I thought it would be, but I really love how it turned out. It will still work for fall unlike the blue and white which was better for spring.

  2. Wow that turned out awesome!
